PRP (Platelet-rich-plasma)

Treatment Snapshot

40-60 minutes depending on area size

Topical cream can be applied

Some patients may experience some redness, this will settle within a few hours. With a quick recovery period there is no downtime.

PRP gives you the appearance of naturally young, healthy skin. PRP minimises fine lines, reduces premature wrinkles, heals skin damaged by sun exposure, improves acne scars and evens out skin tone. When you get a PRP facial, you can expect a natural, refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Results will become visible 3 weeks following treatment, but gradual improvement can be seen over 3-6 months.

Suitable For
PRP is a safe and natural procedure suitable for all skin types and colours.

What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) also known as The Liquid Gold Facelift or Vampire Facelift is an advanced and highly sought after anti-ageing skin treatment which is great for Skin Rejuvenation. The procedure uses the body’s own natural resources to slow down and even help reverse the ageing process.

PRP is a treatment which uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth and enhance tissue regeneration. It is a non-surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the skin on the face. PRP face treatments are replenishing nutrient rich treatments designed to make use of the body’s own natural resources and phenomenal capacity for healing. By penetrating PRP into the treatment area this triggers cells in that area to reproduce rapidly, stimulating repair, increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin.

PRP is a 3-step medical treatment in which your own blood is drawn from your arm. The blood is then spun very rapidly in a Centrifuge, this allows the Platelet Plasma to be separate from the RED Blood Cells. PRP is an established injection therapy that uses a small amount of your own blood platelets to stimulate the production of collagen and new skin cells.

PRP will help to improve:

  • Complexion
  • Skin tone and texture
  • Sagging skin/volume loss
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Scaring
  • Rosacea
  • Crows feet and dark circles under the eyes


What areas can be treated?

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Around the eyes
  • Jawline

Is it painful?

The procedure is relatively pain free with a topical anaesthetic being applied to minimise discomfort.

How many sessions will I need?

This will depend on the health and age of your skin – generally 3 – 6 sessions with a top up required every 6 – 12 months depending on what is being treated.

PRP is a very simple procedure suitable for both men and women and is completely natural. PRP provides safe and reliable results and has very quick recovery with minimal discomfort.